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At WildLifeRx, our mission is to become the most trusted and convenient destination for purchasing Veterinarian-approved high-quality pet CBD. We are committed to providing our pet owners with the most up-to-date CBD information and products they can trust.  Here is how WildLifeRx began.... 


Prior to having children, Rosalind Haley sold diabetes supplies for Chronimed and asthma and allergy medicine for GlaxoSmithKline. A few years ago, eager to get back into the medical field she decided to go back to school so she could work within the Veterinary industry. She quickly learned that Veterinarians could not discuss pet CBD as the industry associations were not clear if it worked or it was safe. Over the course of her career within the Veterinary industry, she came in contact with dogs ingesting glass from CBD droppers, cats eating CBD chews that are made for humans, and many pet owners simply asking for product recommendations. One day at work, a pet owner called the office and asked about a pet CBD recommendation for her older did pet. Since pet CBD was really new, the veterinary licensing board did not allow veterinarians or their staff to discuss pet CBD. Rosalind was not able to offer the owner any assistance, the pet owner thanked her and that was the end of the conversation. Rosalind learned that the pet passed away. Having realized that all the pet owner wanted to do was provide comfort to her pet in its final days, left Rosalind sad and disappointed. Several weeks later a pet came in with broken glass in his mouth, having bite into the dropper from a pet CBD bottle.  She literally thought to herself %#&!! There isn't any guidance for these pet owners, pets are suffering and there isn't any resolution in sight!


Using her background in pharmaceutical and medical sales, she contacted scientists, veterinarians, the American Veterinary Medical Association, and the FDA. Her mission to learn more turned into a calling and here we are. WildLifeRx is a full-service pet CBD store. When a pet owner has a question, they can speak to an actual licensed veterinary technician and all CBD oils come with a plastic calibrated dropper, so pet owners no longer have to worry. All the information found on WildLifeRx comes from clinical trials, research articles, and directly from scientists, so no one needs to decipher the truth from the hype. â€‹Welcome to a new standard of pet CBD shopping.

Welcome to WildLifeRx!

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Welcome to a new standard of pet CBD.

Welcome to WildLifeRx. 

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