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Knee pain: learn about it with an App.

Exploring your health conditions can be very empowering. More and more, health-related Apps are contributing to better health education for patients and caregivers. While Apps can't replace qualified health professionals, health Apps strongly contribute to informing and guiding the individuals in their search for answers regarding their health and body.

A surprisingly large proportion of the population suffers from knee joint pain. For some, particularly the elderly, it is a chronic process like arthritis or bone degeneration. For younger people, it can arise due to damage or injuries from sports activities. While for others, it is a problem associated with extra weight-bearing and obesity.

An excellent application is the My Knee Injury for iPhones, a personalized injury App providing you with detailed information, identification, and suggested treatments for the most common knee joint injuries. It is a simple to use and easily navigated App. It educates users about the common types of injuries with images and detailed descriptions of the causes, signs, and symptoms. Another helpful feature is the damages identifier feature, which helps sufferers understand the most likely cause of their pain.

The App offers helpful care tips and health-related products to aid in injury recovery. It also recommends treatment guidelines for you to discuss with your healthcare professional. The user will quickly find a wide range of strengthening and flexibility exercises specifically designed for any particular knee injury treatment and rehabilitation. An easy-to-follow program feature is included, where you and your healthcare professional can personalize your treatment regime. The cost of this comprehensive iPhone application is just $1.99 through the Apple App Store.

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